12/19/2019 11:55:00 PM   By  Admin  in

Data conversion is a technique to convert data from one format to another. All through a PC domain, information is encoded in an assortment of ways. For instance, PC equipment is based on specific guidelines, which necessitates that information contains, for example, parity bit checks.

Likewise, the operating system present in the computer is based upon certain standards of the file and data handling. Also, each program present in the computer manages data differently. Whenever any of the above variables are altered, data needs to be changed over somehow or another before it tends to be utilized by an alternate PC, program or operating system.

Indeed, various variants of these components, for the most part, include various data structures. Like for example the conversion of bits from one format or another is a data conversion.

Data conversion might be as easy and simple as the text file conversion from one character encoding framework to another. It can be even much more complex, like that of the conversion of audio file format, office file format, or the conversion of image formats.

Let's have a check at some of the equipment that helps in Data conversion. These are termed as Data conversion module.

Data Conversion Modules 4CH 12BIT ULTRA-HIGH SPEED A/D CARD


Data Conversion Modules 24BIT 432KS/s 2CH 216KS/s 2CH AO CARD


Data Conversion Modules MCR-DAC 8/I-4/BUS


Data Conversion Modules 100MS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator


Data Conversion Modules cPCI-9112 MODULE w/ REAR I/O


Data Conversion Modules ACL-8316 WITHOUT D/A CHANNEL


There are many techniques for converting data inside the computer. This might be consistent, as on account of moving up to a more up to date form of a PC program. The conversion of the data might also need some special program segments, or it might include an intricate procedure of experiencing intermediate stages. It may also involve “importing” as well as "exporting" process, which might consist of converting to and from a comma-separated or tab-delimited text files.

This was all we have regarding Data Conversion Modules. Hope you enjoyed going through the article. Brands that manufacture them are ADLINK Technology, 3M and Advantech. Make sure to follow them using the links as provided. Thank you for reading.

View all our Data Conversion Module

12/14/2019 4:07:00 PM   By  Admin  in

LCD Touch panels serve both as input as well as an output device. They are generally placed above any electronic visual display of an information processing system. The users can operate the information processing system or even can provide input just by touching the screen by fingers or with a stylus.

Now, LCD Touch Panels’ basic principle of working is based upon that of an LCD. It will be good for us to get accustomed to LCDs. So let’s begin with it.

The LCD consists of a flat panel like display which takes the help of light modulating characteristics of liquid crystals. Instead of emitting light directly the liquid crystals use a reflector (or a backlight) to generate images in monochrome or color. LCDs are accessible to show a discretionary or a fixed picture with less info content, which can be shown or covered up, for example, digits, 7 segment displays like in digital clocks or preset words. Depending on the polarizer arrangement LCDs can either be ON or OFF. On blue LCDs, the optical fibers are summed with white to provide its characteristic appearance.

LCDs have found its way in several applications like computer monitors, aircraft cockpit displays, instrument panels, and LCD televisions. Small LCD screens are used in calculators, smartphones, watches, digital cameras, etc. It is also utilized in consumer electronics products like clocks, video game devices, and DVD players. LCD screens have completely replaced bulky and heavy CRT (Cathode Ray Tube).  Today they are available in several sizes than CRT. It should also be noted that some LCDs are also getting replaced by OLEDs. It is so because they can be easily converted into different shapes, has wide color gamut, low response time, virtually infinite viewing angles and color contrast, slimmer profile and weights lesser than an LCD.


Advantages of using LCDs:

  • Light, thin and compact.
  • Power consumption is low.
  • The amount of heat emitted during emission is also less.
  • No geometric distortion.
  • A sharp image is generated when operated at native resolution.
  • Discharges no bothersome electromagnetic radiation.
  • Can be made in practically any size or shape.
  • Offers Masking Effect – The LCD masks the effects of grayscale and spatial quantization to establish an illusion of higher picture quality.
  • They are not affected by any magnetic fields (including the Earth).
  • Can be constructed using narrow frame borders. Thus, enabling several LCD screens to get lined up side by side to make up what resembles a big screen.


Disadvantages of using LCDs:

  • There is a chance for loosing up of contrast at high temperature.
  • At low temperature, the response time is much slower.
  • Thermalization might take place in case of bad thermal management.
  • Stuck or dead pixels might take place during the time of manufacture or after a certain span of its use.

This was all we have regarding LCD and LCD touch panels. Hope you liked it. Brands that manufacture them are Fujitsu, NKK Switches and 3M. Make sure to follow them using the links as provided.

View all the LCD Touch Panels

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